What is the difference between Seeding and Overseeding?

There is often a sense of confusion as to whether you want to seed or overseed in your turf renovation. These two processes both aim to create a viable turf sward from seed but using different processes and machinery.
What is it? In simple terms, overseeding is a process where grass seed is added to an already existing turfed area which after germination serves to increase the density of the grass plants. This process reduces the ageing process or natural decline of the turf.
Why is Overseeding done?
Overseeding is carried out to reduce bare patches or improve or change the grass species to a more desirable one. Eg more shade tolerant. With a good quality and highly efficient overseeder such as the Eliet DZC 600 or DZC 450, you can renovate tired and thin turf in no time at all. This inexpensive alternative to full turf re-laying can take place quickly and guarantees a visible result in less than a month. Additionally, the treated turf will be available for normal use immediately after overseeding.
How do you Overseed?
The Eliet pedestrian overseeders are unique in that they scarify to a target depth of 5-7mm, removes thatch and accurately drops the seeds into the grooves. This process can be done in a single pass at 25mm spacings at varying seeding rates from 15gm-30gm per m2. Using a grass mixture with grass that creeps will help knit the grass together reducing the appearance of lines. On more bare areas, a double pass can be done up and down and left to right for example, putting twice as much seed down in the area doubling the benefits such as grass coverage and speed of recovery.
What is Seeding?
Seeding turf or lawns is a process where grass seed is added to either virgin soil or extremely bare or worn areas.
Why is Seeding done?
The seeding of new turf process is carried out to completely rejuvenate or sow an expansive area. The Eliet GZC 750 & GZC 1000 offer a solution specifically for this task the complete construction of your new lawn from preparing the seedbed to sowing all with one machine.
How do you Seed turf from scratch?
The GZC range of seeders from Eliet make light work of sowing. They have reciprocating tines in two rows working across each other and the direction of travel.
These tines efficiently break up the soil to about 1.5-2 inches deep helping to level it off. The finish is of a quality that cut turf can be laid directly on top of the finished surface. Alternatively, there is a seeding box above the tines. The seeding box can be set so a desired amount of seed can be added to the soil during levelling. Seeding rates vary depending upon the area and what seed is being used. For an ornamental lawn and with a seed mixture to match then between 30-40gms per m2 is what you should be aiming for.
A general rule of thumb is that the less seed you us,e the longer the area will take to knit in. The longer the grass takes to knit in, the more chance of weed ingress.
Both machine ranges and processes have their place within turf rejuvenation, and it takes a skilled professional to understand when to use which process and machine. The time of year, budget constraints, speed of recovery and desired outcome all play their role and only through effective communication between the professional and the customer can a satisfactory result be achieved.
TIP: The easiest way to think of the difference is that Overseeding is a maintenance process with faster recovery, whereas Seeding is usually a one off or complete project with slower recovery times.
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